ISOC Armenia Chapter booth on ISOC Community Week

Promo Video                             

ISOC Armenia Chapter is actively working for vulnerable groups of population, connecting the unconnected, digital inclusion, and digital skills training.

Documents Available to Attendees

ISOC Armenia chapter Chapterthon 2021 video       
ISOC Armenia chapter Chapterthon 2020 video
ISOC Armenia Chapter Chapterthon 2019 video      
ISOC Armenia Chapter Chapterthon 2018 video
ISOC Armenia Chapter rural libraries project          

Company Representatives Label
Igor Mkrtumyan, President; Lianna Galstyan, Chair of the Board; Vesmira Harutyunyan, Vice-Chair, VahanMisakyan, Project Leader; Katarina Gevorgyan, Encryption leader; Valery Stepanyan, MANRS leader; Karen Yerznkanyan, IoT leader

Exhibitor Description
Sharing the mission and vision of the Internet Society, the Armenia Chapter has been implementing projects aimed to enhance the development of the Internet in Armenia, to make the Internet accessible to everyone, paying special attention to the rural areas. These projects are especially relevant for vulnerable groups - people with disabilities, people who don’t have higher education, young people without a profession, as well as retired senior citizens.

The Armenia Chapter regularly conducts a variety of courses aimed at teaching various components of the Internet, including digital policy, technical skills, digital literacy, etc. The courses are organized both as an independent, specially created program for the internal audience and as part of the Internet Society programs available to Chapter members.

The Armenia Chapter is actively working in the following areas:

- Support of rural libraries
- Support of blind and visually impaired people
- Digital skills and capacity building
- Support of communities during the pandemic
- Connecting the unconnected
- Armenia IGF support
The leadership of the organization:
   President - Igor Mkrtumyan
   Chair of the Board - Lianna Galstyan
   Vice Chair of the Board - Vesmira Harutyunyan
   Treasurer and Board Member - NarineDerdzakyan

Offer Page
ISOC Armenia Chapter has the following programs to offer:
- Lightweight library management program that works on older (e.g. Pentium 4) computers and is easy to learn. It is developed for 
Armenian rural libraries. Using it for other languages would require localization.
- Book digitization program, that contains OCR data processor, spellchecker, image processor, and page editor (all in one). It is developed for Armenian language documents. Using it for other languages would require localization.

Nick Hyrka
Rinalia Abdul Rahim